
Different approaches to Agile

Agile is a project management methodology that emphasises adaptability, teamwork, and ongoing progress. Agile places a strong emphasis on quick iteration and feedback in order to give value to consumers and adapt to change. Agile can take many various forms, but some of the more popular ones are as follows:


Scrum: Scrum is an Agile framework created to support teams in producing value swiftly and effectively. It is built on the concept of “sprints,” which are condensed, intense bursts of time where teams collaborate to finish a predetermined set of tasks. Scrum emphasises the value of consistent collaboration and communication among team members and places a strong emphasis on transparency, inspection, and adaptation.

Kanban: Kanban is an Agile methodology that focuses on visualising work and restricting the amount of work that is actively being done (WIP) at any given time. Teams who utilise Kanban produce a visual depiction of their process, which they use to spot bottlenecks and enhance work flow. Like other Agile frameworks, Kanban frequently emphasises the value of flexibility and continual improvement.

Lean: Based on the principles of the Toyota Production System, lean is an agile methodology. Lean focuses on developing a culture of ongoing learning and improvement while emphasising the significance of minimising waste and maximising value. Value stream mapping and kanban boards are two examples of the tools and methods used by lean teams to locate and eliminate waste.

Extreme Programming (XP): Extreme Programming (XP) is an Agile methodology that aims to produce high-quality software as quickly and effectively as possible. In order to accomplish these objectives, XP emphasises the value of cooperation, communication, and simplicity and employs a range of methods and procedures, including pair programming and test-driven development.
These are but a few illustrations of the various Agile methodologies. There are numerous additional Agile methodologies, and the one that will work best for a given team or project will rely on its unique requirements.

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